

We often talk about challenging our palates with different wine styles; tasting wines in unusual locations, exceptional wine, but in Ribera del Duero DO, extreme winemaking has become an integral part of its DNA. 

The distinctive climate and extreme weather condition, combined with the resilience, expertise and innovation of its winemakers have become the hallmark of Ribera del Duero. Renowned for its world-class Tempranillo wines, the region faces – and embraces the challenges of the natural world to produce remarkable vintages year after year. 

9 months of winter and 3 months of hell 

The climactic conditions in Ribera del Duero DO are rough and extreme, characterised by scorching summers with temperatures often exceeding to 42 ºC and long harsh winters with low rainfall (<400 mm/year) with temperatures dropping to -20 ºC). However, this diverse climate is essential in creating these wines of exceptional quality. 

The temperature has a large impact on the grape’s development, depicting the ripening of the grapes which will account for the wine's sugar levels. Ribera del Duero DO has a large variance in temperature throughout the year, allowing for an even balance to occur through the fruits ripening. Every year they reach the perfect ripening of the grapes, sooner or later, nonetheless the ripening is achieved at the right point. 

This also becomes apparent when looking at the diurnal range of 20 ºC in terms of the difference between the day-to-night temperature, as the heat of the day works on ripening the grapes, and the coolness from the night helps preserve aromas, freshness and acidity of the grapes, creating outstanding grape quality. 

Sky-high vintages: how extreme altitude shapes Ribera del Duero’s winemaking 

The combination of Ribera del Duero’s altitude and the dedication of the winemakers creates a fantastic, stable terroir with exceptional conditions for grape production across the 27, 252 ha that the DO covers 

Vineyards held at high altitudes receive the benefits from intensified sunlight, as UV radiation increases 10-12% for every 1,000 feet of elevation gained. This results in thicker grape skins, 

enhancing colour concentration and tannin strength, leading to wines with complexity and depth. Notably, the Tempranillo grape is the most popular grape variety, renowned for its deep colour and rich dark fruit flavours, thrives at elevations ranging from 720 meters to over 1,000 meters. These conditions contribute to the wines' exceptional freshness, acidity, and depth. 

As the winemakers continue to tackle and tame the challenging conditions the region presents them with to exceptional quality wines year on year, it is no surprise that Ribera de Duero DO was once described by Tim Atkin MW’s as one of the world’s most exciting wine regions. 

A limited amount of samples are available 

Stay up to date with Ribera Del Duero’s activities in the UK on Twitter @DORiberaUK and Instagram @riberadelduerouk or visit our UK site https://riberadelduero.es/uk/

PRESS CONTACT: Laura Palmer at CUBE Communications - laura@cubecom.co.uk 

About The Regulatory Council of Ribera del Duero DO 

The Regulatory Council of Ribera del Duero DO is the body responsible for ensuring the authenticity of the region, making sure that each bottle that bears its label has passed strict quality controls. Just over 300 wineries and 7,419 vine growers, make up this DO, which is situated in the Duero river basin and was voted Best Wine Region in the World in 2012. The wines of Ribera del Duero DO are characterised by their high quality, small production, and a strong commitment to innovation. The desire to overcome, experience and a creative mindset, together with dedication, tradition and talented winemakers and winegrowers make Ribera del Duero wines truly unique. 

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